Publications, posters, and manuscripts
If you’d like to read something behind a paywall, please don’t hesitate to ask for a copy. If you are interested in my current work or conference presentations, feel free to email me.
Peer-reviewed journal articles
2024. Structural microaggressions for explaining outcome gaps. Philosophy of Science 91: 1199–1209.
DOI : 10.1017/psa.2023.137.
Pre-print at PhilSci Archive.2022. Cognition as the sensitive management of an agent’s behavior. Philosophical Psychology 35: 718–741.
DOI : 10.1080/09515089.2021.2014802.
[Google Scholar citations.] Postprint at PhilSci Archive.2021. Microaggressions and objectivity: Experimental measures and lived experience. (Authors: Akagi, Mikio and Frederick W. Gooding, Jr.) Philosophy of Science 88: 1090–1100.
DOI : 10.1086/715219.
Postprint at PhilSci Archive.2020. Phenomenality, conscious states, and consciousness inessentialism. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 18: 803–819.
DOI : 10.1007/s11097‑019‑09633‑6.2018. Rethinking the problem of cognition. Synthese 195: 3547–3570.
DOI : 10.1007/s11229‑017‑1383‑2.
(free version; view only).
[Google Scholar citations.] Postprint at PhilSci Archive.2009. The precision of locomotor odometry in humans. (Authors: Frank H. Durgin, Mikio Akagi, Charles R. Gallistel and Woody Haiken). Experimental Brain Research 109: 429–436.
DOI : 10.1007/s00221‑008‑1640‑1.
[Google Scholar citations.]
2024. AI and GenAI adoption by local and regional administrations. (Authors: Fontana, Susanna, Beatrice Errico, Sara Tedesco, Fabio Bisogni, Robin Renwick, Mikio Akagi and Nicole Santiago). Published by the Commission for Economic Policy, European Committee of the Regions.
DOI : 10.2863/6007868..2023. Report on the Core Principles and Opportunities for Responsible and Trustworthy AI. (Author: Trilateral Research; contributors: Goldberg, Zachary J., Mikio Akagi, David Barnard‑Wills, Christopher Fischer, Ben Howkins, Tim Jacquemard, Christopher Nathan, Irma Poder, Anaïs Resseguier, and Fabienne Ufert). Published by Innovate UK and BridgeAI. Available at
Book chapter
2025. EURMARS: An Advanced Surveillance Platform to Improve the European Multiauthority Border Security Efficiency and Cooperation. (Authors: Mourkousis, Georgios, Matthaios Protonotarios, Chrysostomos Antoniou, Andreas Kriechbaum-Zabini, Stephan Veigl, Jonathan Boyle, Lulu Chen, George Voskopoulos, Romaios Bratskas, Laura Salmela, Jari Laarni, Antti Väätänen, Sirra Toivonen, Mikio Akagi and Claudia-Iohana Voicu ). In Paradigms on Technology Development for Security Practitioners, edited by Ilias Gkotsis, Dimitrios Kavallieros, Nikolai Stoianov, Stefanos Vrochidis, Dimitrios Diagourtas, and Babak Akgar, 387–399. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.
DOI : 10.1007/978-3-031-62083-6_31.
Book review and critical commentary
2020. Review of Ruth Garrett Millikan, Beyond Concepts: Unicepts, Language, and Natural Information (OUP, 2017). Philosophical Quarterly 70: 199–201.
DOI : 10.1093/pq/pqz0132019. Finding the bounds of Machery’s critique. Critical discussion of Edouard Machery, Philosophy Within Its Proper Bounds (OUP, 2017). International Journal of Philosophical Studies 27: 584–591.
DOI : 10.1080/09672559.2019.1655945This piece is part of a symposium. See the rest:
Machery, Edouard. Precis of Philosophy within Its Proper Bounds.
Hughes, Nick. Disagreement, dogmatism, and the bounds of philosophy.
Springle, Alison. The method of cases in context.
Machery, Edouard. Response to Akagi, Hughes, and Springle.
2016. Cognition in Practice: Conceptual Development and Disagreement in Cognitive Science (PhD dissertation). University of Pittsburgh Department of Philosophy.
2009. Functionalism and the case for modest cognitive extension (MSc dissertation). University of Edinburgh School of Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences.
Published abstracts
2007. Accurate perception of visual space from live-video in a head-mounted display. (Akagi, Mikio and Frank H. Durgin). Journal of Vision 7: 283.
DOI : 10.1167/ Visual flow speed discrimination while walking. (Durgin, Frank H., Krista Gigone, Mikio Akagi, and Kristina Simmons). Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society 11: 15.
Work in progress
Since some of these projects are under review, I do not post them or their titles publicly. But I am happy to discuss them or share drafts.
A paper about sociotechnical modelling for comprehensive AI assessments.
A paper about how to model contested scientific terms.
A paper about how scientists ascribe representations.
A paper about Ethics-by-Design for AI in security contexts.
2018. Representation re-construed: Construal-based norms for ascribing natural representation. Presented at the Seventh Biennial Meeting of the Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice. Ghent, Belgium. 28 June. PhilSci Archive. (Updated for the 26th Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association; Seattle, Washington; 02 November.)
2014. Going against the grain: Functionalism and generalization in cognitive science. Presented at the 24th Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association. Chicago, Illinois USA. 06 November. PhilSci Archive.
2009. Sellars on functionalism and normativity. PhilArchive.
Unpublished teaching resources
2020. Teaching from home: Some technical advice. A resource for academics teaching from home during the
covid -19 pandemic.2019. Advice for argument maps. Advice for students on constructing argument maps for my courses. Last updated 2021.
2017. Guidelines for reading. Advice for students on how to approach philosophical or theoretical texts. Last updated 2020.
2016. Philosophical methods. A brief orientation to philosophy for non-majors. Last updated 2020.
Other manuscripts
I’m not trying to get these papers published or hosted on archives, but I like them so they’re down here.
Speaking truth to power: Two conceptions of power in Plato’s Gorgias. (Revision of 02 February, 2014.)
I argue that in Gorgias Plato poses a puzzle about how to conceive of power: real power is efficacy, or it is understanding, but in most circumstances a person cannot be both efficacious and understanding. I suggest that while the puzzle is not resolved in Gorgias, Republic may describe a resolution that pleases Plato, but few modern readers.
The structure of Hegelian self-consciousness: A guide for the perplexed. (Revision of 26 January, 2012.)
A heterodox reading of the first division of Chapter IV of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit. Along the way I attempt to render some of the relevant Hegelian vocabulary into the slightly less obscure register of Anglophone philosophy.